
Pay your tolls with trash

Reduce waste and earn rewards with Trashtoll Pay - converting bottles and cans into EasyTrip credits.

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We understand the problem. The rising demand for convenience has created a significant waste issue. Single-use bottles and cans are filling our landfills. These materials are recyclable, but recycling options remain limited, especially for drivers. And we want to fill in that gap.

Our Solution: Trashtoll Pay

How Trashtoll Pay works?

Step 1


Place your bottles or cans into the Trashtoll Pay machine.

Step 1


The machine calculates your toll credits based on the items deposited

Step 1


Place your bottles or cans into the Trashtoll Pay machine.

We’ve designed Trashtoll Pay with drivers in mind

Our machines are positioned conveniently along expressways and common roads so you can recycle on the go.